This was written quite quickly and in loose words, also please forgive the many metaphors.
Basically, physically, there is a unity.
And this unity is kind of folded very intricately.
Why? That is a great question if you want a dance, but maybe it is not the question you want to ask. Why do flowers grow? Why did big bang?
Why do you need a start for something that has no start. You are still the big bang.
You can question why the flowers grow, and you can question the big bang and evolution.
But your questioning itself is a flower, you see? Your questioning itself is part of the dance.
And when you ask why, not in the sense of small things, but in the sense of the fundamental things, then really what you long for is the start of causality. But you now, there is no start. You are the big bang. Time is an aspect of the universe, the universe is not an aspect of time. And you see, you ask about the fundamental things, longing for the fundamental answers, because you have forgotten who you really are. You have forgotten the intimate roots, the soil that you are, before, and after you live and die. Many waves on the ocean, the ocean is one.
When you forget who you really, things can be miserable. Not because there is evil or some religious stuff like that, but because you can not grow like a beautiful flower when you dont feel your roots. You can never be separate from the soil, but when you forget that you are it, then you wander around lost and in a tunnel of self-recursion that erodes itself and wears you down. And then you long for destruction as the only hope to find back to unity. And when this longing for destruction is projected outward, when people start to see others as “evil”, then like a tree falling in the forest because it has no roots, a huge wave that got pushed far from the ocean that goes down on the shore, or a storm cloud that is full of tension and separated charges, comes down in a lighting bolt to find back to its calm state. You see, there is no evil there. Destruction happens when tensions are not earthed, and find only in lightning their last resort of returning to unity.
Just like lightning, destruction is not a soil. It sometimes facilitates growth, but nothing grows directly on it. There is no “evil” soil producing “evil” being. People who believe in an essence of evil often cause massive destruction, while trying to eradicate “the bad ones”.
These are all metaphors. But you do understand, that there is no separate world of words. All this meaning is in your minds, there is nothing abstract from nature and unity.
Dont be afraid of forgetting about who you really are. It is impossible to be separate from the whole. And you can feel it everywhere anway, the connection. You can see it, with microscopes, with telescopes, with internet. You can touch it. You can forget it, yes. But do not worry when you feel lost, because it touches you. It is you, and you are it. Nature, the universe, the whole. The one.
And in this dance, sometimes we feel more like dancing. Sometimes we feel more like being close to the soil.
Where there is soil, trees grow. Where there is no soil, no trees grow. There is no evil, because evil doesnt grow. Stop listening to the religious propaganda. Religion in a limited sense can be like lightning, it goes all the hard way to find transcendence, often killing diversity and sometimes even people on its path. But transcendence is not outside of you, just like the soil is not outside of you.
And when you feel well rooted, you will see, that flowers are beautiful. And when you feel uprooted, you may listen to the wind, it will find you, and remind you. And when you see others inciting each other to kill because they think the soil is somewhere in the sky, or because their soil is better than another, you will stand up and in the name of empathy and love try all you can to make people remember that soil cant be separated, not even by words.
And hey, every tree knows all that. just ask them! ^.^